Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Guyabano: A Natural Cancer Cells Killer

Guyabano has been used as folkloric herbal medicine in many regions thought the world. It is considered to be antispasmodic, sudorific and emetic.

The benefits of Guyabano Include:

  • Protect your immune system and helps you avoid deadly infections.
  • Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment.
  • Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life.

The Guyabano tree, its fruit, leaves, stem, bark may be a natural cancer cell killer. The source of this information is just as stunning. Extracts from the tree were shown to: Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.

What’s more, unlike chemotherapy, laboratory tests shows that the compound extracted from the Guyabano tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. It does not harm healthy cells! Various parts of the tree–including the bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds–have been used for centuries by medicine men and native Indians in South America to treat heart disease, asthma, liver problems and arthritis.

The results showed that Guyabano’s “leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells. In many independent laboratory tests has proven that Guyabano may be a potent cancer killer.

The most significant part of the report is that Guyabano (Annona Muricata) was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately targets all actively reproducing cells (such as stomach and hair cells), causing the often devastating side effects of nausea and hair loss in cancer patients.

A study at Purdue University found that the leaves from the Guyabano tree killed cancer cells among six human cell lines and were especially effective against prostate, pancreatic and lung cancers.

Guyabano Fruit Nutrition

Guyabano belongs to the family of Annonaceae, (A. muricata L.). The flesh of the fruit consist of a white edible pulp that is high in carbohydrates and considerable amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Potassium and dietary fiber. Guyabano is low in cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium. No only is guyabano a good health food, it also taste delicious. The tree and fruit is known in various names: Guyabano in Filipino, Soursop in English, Graviola in Brazil, and Guanabana in Spanish.

About the Guyabano

The heart shaped / oblong Guyabano fruit has a dark green, leatherly abd soike-like skin that measures from 8 to 12 inches long and can weigh up to 2.5 kilos. The creamy and delectable flesh contains from 60 to 100 black-brown seed that are indigestible and non-edible. The Guyabano tree is relatively small. It usually grows from 8 feet to less than 20 feet high and is sensitive to very cold temperatures. The Guyabano tree requires a lot of water, warmth and humidity and is usually grown in the tropics. It is cultivated commercially in Central & South America, West Africa, Asia and South Florida in limited numbers.

Products made from Guyabano tree

Aside from being eaten raw, the guyabano fruit is processed into candies, tarts, shakes, ice-cream, sherbets, beverages. The leaves are made into tea and the leaves and stem are made into Guyabano vitamins and supplements.

Medicinal Uses of Guyabano

A decoction (boiling in water) of guyabano leaves is used to kill bedbugs and head lice.

To reduce fever, a decoction of leaves can be taken internally or the leaves added to bathing water also has the same effect. The crushed fresh leaves are also applied on skin eruptions for faster healing. A poultice of young guyabano leaves is applied on the skin to alleviate rheumatism and other skin infections like eczema. Applied during the healing of wounds, this can result in less or no skin scars. The decoction can also be used as a wet compress on swollen feet and other inflammations.

The juice of the fruit is taken orally as a herbal remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments.

Studies are underway by leading medical institutes, universities and pharmaceutical companies of the healing properties of guyabano against cancers. Initial findings show that certain compounds and chemicals extracted from guyabano leaves, seeds, fruit and bark appear to kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells remain unaffected.

The cure for cancer may lies in a guyabano tree

The Guyabano tree consists of many chemicals, but what makes the Guyabano tree special is that this tree contains a natural compound named ‘acetogenins’. Research has found that this compound can slow the growth of tumor cells and be toxic to tumor cells without harming healthy cells. Especially the latter is a problem of recent anticancer drugs. Chemotherapy kills growing cells, bad (the cancer cells) and good (the healthy cells). The best cure for cancer is a product that can target only the cancer cells. And this is just exactly what the natural compound found in the Guyabano tree does.

The tree produces these ‘acetogenins’ in the leaves, stem and bark. What you can do is drink the extracts of the tree and this may help you fight against cancer.

Chemical compound

What everyone would like is to make these acetogenins in big quantities, to help everyone. However, the natural ‘acetogenins’ are very complex in structure and is not easily to make by chemists. To make it easier to produce large amounts of this medicine, research has been done to find the active parts of the compound against cancer. If the active parts can be found, the medicine would be easier to produce and be more available to everyone. Unfortunately, scientists have not been able to find the active parts of the Guyabano tree.

Until then, you can turn to the natural acetogenins and drink the tea, juice or use the supplements.

Other uses of Guyabano

Pulverizing the guyabano seeds and mixing it with soap & water is used as effective spray against caterpillars, armyworms and leafhoppers on plants.

The guyabano leaves are believed to have a tranquilizing and sedative properties. In the Netherlands Antilles, the leaves are placed inside pillows or placed on top of the mattress to induce a good night’s sleep.

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